Earth & Space Science/Gen Sc Ed Gr 5-12


Program Title

Earth & Space Science/Gen Sc Ed Gr 5-12

Degree Designation


Award Type


Program Level


Instruction Mode

On Campus

Program Description

The Earth and Space Science Teaching (5-12) Education major at St. Cloud State University is an interdisciplinary program in the College of Science and Engineering and the College of Education and Learning Design. It prepares students to teach Earth and Space Science classes at the high school level or any science class at the middle school level. Associated coursework allows students to develop skills necessary to create innovative curriculum, laboratory exercises, and assignments to engage their future students. During their time in the program, students gain teaching experience by visiting science classrooms while student organizations provide unique education outreach opportunities to work with students while they earn their degree.



College of Science and Engineering



Admission Requirements

What previous degree and/or experience is required prior to admission to this program?

High School / GED

Minimum undergraduate GPA for admission


Required GPA for graduation


Number of credits in program



Program Learning Outcomes


Develop and hone observational skills needed to function as Earth and Space Science educators, making qualitative and quantitative measurements of physical, chemical, geological, and biological properties of the Earth System in a classroom and laboratory setting.


Make connections between the components of the Earth (biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere) through activities, discussions, and projects in an interdisciplinary array of required major courses. This will include the exploration of how the different spheres interact with and affect each other, including the potential for hazardous environmental impacts.


Using words, pictures, diagrams, maps, globes, and radar and satellite imagery, describe the component materials of the Earth system at multiple scales (macro- to microscale) as well as the dominant physical processes of specific Earth subsystems.


Observe and demonstrate knowledge of the different time scales associated with Earth systems processes, studying the biological, chemical, geological, and physical changes which have happened during Earth’s history.


Distinguish common minerals and rocks through hands sample analysis and field trips.


Predict, in terms of direct and indirect, short-term and long-term effects, the likely effects of a given human activity on an Earth systems, explain how it is known that there have been long-term changes in climate and sea level during throughout Earth’s history and human existence, and describe how the changes may have impacted the history of human development.


Identify options for a research experience including: independent study projects, participation in research with an academic or industry scientist, directed study, internship, or field study. Design and carry out an investigation relating to their research experience, identify modes for presenting results, and present said research project in the selected mode.


Apply critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and mathematical reasoning to identify, investigate, and address problems relating to Earth science and germane to the 5-12 grade level. This will include descriptions, in terms of the known and unknown quantities, of a given problem using appropriate pictorial, graphical, verbal, or written forms.


Apply skills learned through interdisciplinary coursework to generate grade-appropriate, engaging, informative, and educational activities and lessons suitable for use in grades 5-12 classroom settings.

Degree Maps

Major Code


Program Code