Cr. | Credit |
Undgr. | Undergraduate |
Gr. | Graduate |
Prereq. | Prerequisite |
Lab. | Laboratory |
Academic Abbreviations
ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis | HIST | History |
ACCT | Accounting | HLTH | Health |
ACR | Applied Clinical Research | HONS | Honors |
AHS | Atmospheric and Hydrologic Sciences | HPE | Health Education and Physical Education |
ANTH | Anthropology | HTMS | Hospitality and Tourism Planning |
ASTR | Astronomy | HURL | Human Relations and Multicultural Education |
ART | Art | IA | Information Assurance |
BHC | Behavioral Health and Counseling | IM | Information Media |
BIOL | Biological Sciences | INTL | International Studies |
BLAW | Business Law | IS | Information Systems |
BMB | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | JPN | Japanese |
BRIT | British Studies | JWST | Jewish Studies |
CCSD | College Counseling and Student Development | LIB | University Library |
CELD | College of Education and Learning Design | MATH | Mathematics |
CHEM | Chemistry | MBA | Master of Business Administration |
CHIN | Chinese | MCOM | Mass Communications |
CFS | Child and Family Studies | MFET | Manufacturing Engineering Technology |
CJS | Criminal Justice Studies | MFT | Marriage & Family Therapy |
CM | Construction Management | MGMT | Management |
CMHC | Clinical Mental Health Counseling | MILS | Military Science |
CMTY | Community Studies | MKTG | Marketing & Business Law |
CMST | Communication Studies | MLS | Medical Laboratory Sciences |
COLL | College Experience | MME | Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering |
CONS | Consortium | MPA | Masters in Public Administration |
COUN | Counseling & Family Therapy | MTQ | Medical Technology Quality |
CPSY | Community Psychology | MUSE | Music Education |
CSD | Communication Sciences & Disorders | MUSM | Music Musicianship |
CSCI | Computer Science | MUSP | Music Performance |
CYB | Cybersecurity | NMDT | Nuclear Medicine Technology |
DSCI | Decision Sciences | NURS | Nursing |
EAP | English for Academic Purposes | PCOM | Professional Communication |
ECE | Electrical and Computer Engineering | PESS | Physical Education and Sport Science |
ECON | Economics | PHIL | Philosophy |
ED | Education | PHYS | Physics |
EDAD | Educational Administration | POL | Political Science |
EM | Engineering Management | PSY | Psychology |
ENGL | English | RADT | Radiologic Technology |
ENTR | Entrepreneurship | RAS | Regulatory Affairs and Services |
ENVE | Enviromental Engineering | RHAB | Rehabilitation Counseling |
ETHS | Ethnic Studies | REC | Recreation |
ETS | Environmental & Technological Studies | SCHL | School Counseling |
EXSC | Exercise Science | SCI | Sciences |
FILM | Film | SE | Software Engineering |
FIN | Finance | SPRT | Sports Recreation and Coaching |
FIRE | Finance, Insurance and Real Estate | SSE | Social Studies Education |
FREN | French | STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education |
GENG | General Engineering | SW | Social Work |
GEOG | Geography | SOC | Sociology |
GER | German | SPAN | Spanish |
GERO | Gerontology | SPED | Special Education |
GLST | Global Studies | STAT | Statistics |
GWS | Gender and Women's Studies | TSE | Traffic Safety Education |
HBS | Herberger Business School | ||
HIED | Higher Education Administration |