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Goal 4: Mathematical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning

Goal: To increase students’ knowledge about mathematical and logical modes of thinking. This will enable students to appreciate the breadth of applications of mathematics, evaluate arguments, and detect fallacious reasoning. Students will learn to apply mathematics, logic, and\or statistics to help them make decisions in their lives and careers. Minnesota's public higher education systems have agreed that developmental mathematics includes the first three years of a high school mathematics sequence through intermediate algebra. (Recommendation from the intersystem Mathematics Articulation Council. Adopted by all Systems in February 1992.)

LEP Objective:  Apply mathematics to analyze numerical relationships, solve problems, explain processes and interpret results. Students can meet this requirement through 1 approved course or experience.

Students will be able to:

  • Illustrate historical and contemporary applications of mathematical/logical systems.

  • Clearly express mathematical/logical ideas in writing.

  • Explain what constitutes a valid mathematical/logical argument (proof).

  • Apply higher-order problem-solving and/or modeling strategies.

Consistent with LEP Student Learning Outcomes, students will demonstrate their ability to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the basic theories and methods of mathematics.

  • Use quantitative methods to test hypotheses or to construct quantitative solutions to problems.

  • Apply mathematical skills and knowledge in other academic disciplines.

  • Communicate quantitative ideas, both orally and in writing.

The following courses are pre-approved to fulfill this goal requirement and further indicate what other goal area(s) or Diversity courses of the Liberal Education Program (LEP) or Racial Issues Graduation Requirements (RIGR) the course fulfills.

Requirements (1 course)

Computer Science
course, Elements of Computing, 3 Cr.

course, Personal Finance, 3 Cr.

course, Mathematical Thinking, 3 Cr.
course, Finite Mathematics, 3 Cr.
course, Personal Finance, 3 Cr.
course, College Algebra, 3 Cr.
course, Trigonometry, 3 Cr.
course, Precalculus, 5 Cr.
course, Elements of Mathematics I, 3 Cr.
course, Survey of Calculus I, 3 Cr.
course, Calculus I, 4 Cr.
course, Calculus II, 4 Cr.

course (2), Symbolic Logic, 3 Cr.

course, Statistical Thinking, 3 Cr.
course, Statistical Methods I for Natural Sciences, 3 Cr.