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Program Title


Degree Designation


Award Type


Program Level


Instruction Mode

On Campus

Program Description

English Language and Literature, General. A general program that focuses on the English language, including its history, structure and related communications skills; and the literature and culture of English-speaking peoples. Emphases options: Literature, Creative Writing, Linguistics, English Studies, and Professional Writing, Media, and Rhetoric.



College of Liberal Arts



Admission Requirements

What previous degree and/or experience is required prior to admission to this program?

Bachelors Degree

Minimum undergraduate GPA for admission


Does this BA major require fewer than 45 credits? Please check the following as appropriate.

BA majors requiring fewer than 45 credits require one of the following: one year of coursework in a single foreign language, or a second major, or a minor.

Number of credits in program



Free Form Requisites

BA - English - Creative Writing (40 credits)

At least 37 credits:

ENGL 300.

Choose one Advanced Writing course: ENGL 331, ENGL 332, ENGL 333.

Choose one Cultural Diversity course: ENGL 202, ENGL 203, ENGL 205, ENGL 215, ENGL 216, ENGL 302, ENGL 303, ENGL 305, ENGL 307, ENGL 414, ENGL 432, ENGL 493.

Choose one American Literature course: ENGL 310, ENGL 311, ENGL 312, ENGL 313.

Choose one British Literature course: ENGL 321, ENGL 322, ENGL 323, ENGL 325, ENGL 326, ENGL 327, ENGL 328, ENGL 423, ENGL 424.

Choose one Theory and Applications course: ENGL 308, ENGL 361, ENGL 402, ENGL 405, ENGL 436, ENGL 334, ENGL 403, ENGL 430, ENGL 431, ENGL 434, ENGL 437, ENGL 497.

Choose three Creative Writing courses from the 300 level and 6-7 credits at the 400 level: ENGL 340, ENGL 341, ENGL 342, ENGL 343, ENGL 344, FS 360, ENGL 440, ENGL 441, ENGL 442, ENGL 443, ENGL 445, up to 4 credits from ENGL 447. At least 8 credits in ENGL must be at the 400 level.

Up to 3 credits of ENGL courses numbered higher than 201 to reach 40 credits.

BA English - Creative Writing Majors must elect a minor program of study or must complete one year of a foreign language.

The 340-level courses are prerequisites for the 440-level courses in the same genre and cannot be taken concurrently with the 440-level courses.

Students fulfill the University's Upper Division Writing Requirement by successfully completing ENGL 331, ENGL 332, or ENGL 333.

BA - English Studies - General (40 credits)

ENGL 300 and choose one course from ENGL 331, ENGL 332, ENGL 333, or ENGL 334.

Choose one course from ENGL 203, ENGL 215, ENGL 216, ENGL 302, ENGL 303, ENGL 305, ENGL 307,
ENGL 414, ENGL 432, or ENGL 493.

Choose one course from ENGL 310, ENGL 311, ENGL 312, or ENGL 313.

Choose one course from ENGL 321, ENGL 322, ENGL 323, ENGL 325, ENGL 326, ENGL 327, ENGL 328, ENGL 423, or ENGL 424.

6-8 credits from ENGL 280, ENGL 334, ENGL 353, ENGL 403, ENGL 430, ENGL 431, ENGL 434, ENGL 437, ENGL 447, ENGL 453, ENGL 490, or ENGL 497.

3-4 credits from ENGL 308, ENGL 361, ENGL 402, ENGL 405, ENGL 436, or ENGL 464.

At least 8 credits in ENGL must be at the 400 level.

10-15 elective credits from any ENGL courses numbered higher than 201, for example ENGL 202, ENGL 205, ENGL 306, CMST 306, ENGL 431, ENGL 436, ENGL 465, ENGL 466, ENGL 469, ENGL 481, or creative writing courses.

BA English Studies - General Majors must elect a minor program of study or must complete one year of a foreign language.

Students fulfill the University's Upper Division Writing Requirement by successfully completing ENGL 331, ENGL 332, ENGL 333, or ENGL 334.

BA - English - Linguistics (40 credits)

Introductory course: English 361 (4 credits)

Linguistics (4 courses, 12 credits) ENGL 464, ENGL 465, ENGL 466, ENGL 469 (may be repeated), ENGL 473.

Select one option (9-12 credits)

Applied Linguistics option: ENGL 461, ENGL 462, ENGL 463, ENGL 467, ENGL 468.

English option: Three or four other courses in English.

Cognates (0-9 credits): ANTH 360; ED 457, ED 458; CSD 220, CSD 324; PHIL 251 or PHIL 252, PHIL 303 or
PHIL 460.

Study Abroad (0-12 credits in consultation with advisor).

Departmental electives (0-6 credits): any English courses above 201 to complete 40 credits.

Capstone (3-4 credits): ENGL 477, ENGL 478, ENGL 490 (UDW).

Students fulfill the University's Upper Division Writing Requirement by successfully completing one of the following courses: ENGL 464, ENGL 465, ENGL 466, ENGL 469, ENGL 473 or ENGL 490.

BA English - Linguistics Majors must elect a minor program of study or must complete one
year of a foreign language.

BA - English - Literature (45 credits)

ENGL 300.

Choose one course from ENGL 331, ENGL 332, ENGL 333.

Choose two courses from ENGL 203, ENGL 215, ENGL 216, ENGL 302, ENGL 303, ENGL 305, ENGL 307, ENGL 414, ENGL 432, or ENGL 493.

Choose two courses from ENGL 202, ENGL 205, ENGL 321, ENGL 322, ENGL 325, ENGL 424.

Choose ENGL 323 or ENGL 423.

Choose one course from ENGL 326, ENGL 327, or ENGL 328.

Choose ENGL 310 or ENGL 311.

Choose ENGL 312 or ENGL 313.

Choose two Theory and Applications courses from ENGL 402 (recommended), ENGL 308, ENGL 361, ENGL 405, ENGL 436, ENGL 437, ENGL 334, ENGL 353, ENGL 403, ENGL 430, ENGL 434, ENGL 464, ENGL 467, or ENGL 497. (At least 8 credits in ENGL must be at the 400 level.)

Complete 2-6 credits of electives in ENGL numbered higher than 201 to fulfill 45 credits.

Students fulfill the University's Upper Division Writing Requirement by successfully completing ENGL 331, ENGL 332, or ENGL 333.

A year of a foreign language may enhance this degree.

BA - Professional Writing, Media, and Rhetoric (40 credits)

ENGL 300 and ENGL 332.

Choose one Theory course: ENGL 308, ENGL 405, ENGL 431, ENGL 432, ENGL 436.

Choose two Advanced Writing courses: ENGL 331, ENGL 333, ENGL 334, ENGL 341.

Choose four additional Rhetoric courses, including at least two at the 400 level: ENGL 280, ENGL 306, ENGL 308, ENGL 353, ENGL 403, ENGL 405, ENGL 430, ENGL 431, ENGL 432, ENGL 434, ENGL 436, ENGL 437,
ENGL 497.

7-13 credits in any ENGL courses numbered higher than 201 to reach 40 credits.

Students fulfill the University's Upper Division Writing Requirement by successfully completing ENGL 331, ENGL 332, or ENGL 333.

Students in this major and concentration must declare a minor or take a foreign language.

Program Learning Outcomes


Ability to interpret texts in relation to socio-historical contexts.


Ability to interpret texts through sensitivity to vocabulary and language, tone, imagery, and point of view.


Ability to relate to works that embody behaviors, values, and perspectives unfamiliar to you.


Ability to write argument and exposition that is shaped appropriately for a particular purpose, audience, and situation.


Awareness of genre: A) As a reader, you recognize how the form, type, or kind of text (poem, business letter, essay, drama, grant application) affects its meaning. B) As a writer, you can create a text in a form appropriate for its purpose.


Critical thinking and analysis.


English Studies Program All Goals Combined


Familiarity with a broad range of the literature in your field, both in terms of it diversity and its integrating traditions (the continuities that bring it together).


Knowledge of methods, terms, and theories in your field.

Degree Maps

Major Code


Program Code